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Awesta Zarif
Actor ⧫ Singer ⧫ Educator ⧫ Activist
Currently playing Soraya in the first national broadway tour of The Kite Runner, adapted by Matthew Spangler, directed by Giles Croft. For more info and tour dates visit!
Most recently in Dial M for Murder as Margot, at Geva Theatre Center, adapted by Jeffery Hatcher, directed by Rachel Alderman. Watch our teaser here!
Other recent credits include:
Afiya in Selling Kabul at Signature Theatre
Stephanie Rahn in Ink at Round House Theatre/Olney Theatre Center

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"At the center of the tale is Awesta Zarif's Afiya, the sister determined to make the best of her circumstances while also working to protect all of those around her from the Taliban's cruel games. Zarif carries Afiya's drive, passion, and strain perfectly, showing the woman's complexity and burden in every movement, and continuously keeping the audience's eye. While the story is centered around Taroon's circumstances, it's Zarif who seems to be the center of gravity for the plot and performance - she's the one making decisions and contingencies, evaluating the direness of the situation and working to ensure everyone comes through, even at her own expense, and the moments when she allows her own grief to show through that grit are the moments when you realize how much better the world would be with more people like her." - Broadway World Review of Selling Kabul
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Rochel Saks, SAKS&
Bill Duey, Hanns Wolters International
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